Interactua con tus clientes Globip.

Auto Dialer


900 866 226

A service designed to send massively voice calls

Send deals, Announcements, Surveys, interact with your client in real time

Massive call functions - is an automated call center in the cloud for businesses of all sizes with outbound call Functions

The outbound function of our IVR platform is designed to make automatic calls to a database of users and interact with them.

It is a tool for automated call handling a database of fixed and mobile phone users according to the plan you choose

Teclado de teléfono sobre mapa mundi.

How does it work?

You configure the campaign/action: name, phone number the person receiving the call will see and action to make (from a simple message to a interactive menu with the option the call can be answered by an operator).


If you have a database of users and want to call them to sell, communicate or interact with them. With Auto Dialer Globip you will get important returns:

  • Cost savings. You do not need to have a dedicated person to make calls. Only attents the customer when he agrees to.
  • Contact with customers. Stay in touch with your customers to inform them of all kinds of developments or incidents without hiring an external call center.
Muchas palabras entretegidas. Outsourcing, companies, costs, services, management, vendors, etc.
Muchos números y letras flotando sobre fondo blanco.


  • to communicate an event, issue, notice,...
  • to conduct satisfaction surveys.
  • to start selling shares.
  • to broadcast news.

Who's interested?

  1. Companies that want to retain their customers with new offerings.
  2. Companies that want to broadcast a new service or plan.
  3. Customers who wish to make quality surveys.
  4. Notices scheduled incidents, invitations to events, etc.
  5. Marketing companie.

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